FOMC Statement
December 12, 2012
The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to keep its target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 0.25 percent
FOMC Statement
October 24, 2012
The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to keep its target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 0.25 percent
Quarterly Publication of Discount Window Lending Data
September 28, 2012
The Federal Reserve today began the quarterly publication of transaction-level information related to discount window lending to depository institutions and open market transactions
FOMC Statement
September 13, 2012
The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to keep its target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 0.25 percent
FOMC Statement
August 01, 2012
The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to keep its target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 0.25 percent
New Requirement for Submitting Pledged Loans
July 30, 2012
Effective immediately, the Federal Reserve will begin to phase-in a requirement that all pledged loans be submitted in a format supported by the Automated Loan Deposit process
FOMC Statement
June 20, 2012
The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to keep its target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 0.25 percent
FOMC Statement
April 25, 2012
The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to keep its target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 0.25 percent
FOMC Statement
March 13, 2012
The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to keep its target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 0.25 percent
FOMC Statement
January 25, 2012
The Federal Open Market Committee decided today to keep its target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 0.25 percent