Contacts & Resources

Discount Window & Payment System Risk Contact Information for Kansas City

General Inquiries

Discount Window Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (CST)

Discount Rates:

Email Address:

(800) 333-2987

Toll Free Phone

Paycheck Protection Program Liquidity Facility (PPPLF)
Contact Information

The following contact information is to be used when submitting PPPLF related documents.

PPPLF Phone:

(855) 833-2465

Resources and Information

BIC Certification Form - 1 Signer
The form (including audit certification) required from institutions pledging collateral in a Borrower-In-Custody of Collateral arrangement. For DIs requiring 1 authorized signature.

BIC Certification Form - 2 Signers
The form (including audit certification) required from institutions pledging collateral in a Borrower-In-Custody of Collateral arrangement. For DIs requiring 2 authorized signatures.

BIC Collateral Pledge Form - 1 Signer
The Tenth District's Borrower-in-Custody Collateral Pledge Form for DIs requiring 1 authorized signature.

BIC Collateral Pledge Form - 2 Signers
The Tenth District's Borrower-in-Custody Collateral Pledge Form for DIs requiring 2 authorized signatures. 

BIC Collateral Schedule Template
The required template for submitting monthly loan listings for a Borrower-in-Custody of Collateral arrangements.

DTC Letter of Agreement
The letter required from institutions pledging discount window collateral held at the Depository Trust Company. 

FRSecure Message Center - Getting Started Guide
Use the Federal Reserve's secure message center to send and receive encrypted e-mails and attached documents. 

Imaged and Digital Loan Documents Questionnaire
This form is required from institutions pledging collateral that is originated in electronic form or is maintained as an image with no retention of the original hard copy documents. This form should be submitted as an addendum to the BIC Certification Form.

Power of Attorney
The Tenth District's Certified Copy of Resolutions Conferring Authority to Execute Power of Attorney and/or Assignments and Power of Attorney forms. 

Seasonal Lending Program
Information on the Tenth District's Seasonal Lending Program, including the application materials.

Seasonal Lending Program Brochure
Contains an overview of the Tenth District's Seasonal Lending Program. 

Mailing Address:
Credit and Risk Management
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
1 Memorial Drive
Kansas City, MO 64198