Discount Window and Payment System Risk Contact Information for San Francisco
12th District (San Francisco) Discount Window
Please Note: Information on this webpage is specifically for the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and may not pertain to other Federal Reserve Banks. Information regarding your Federal Reserve Bank's Discount Window may be available on your District's Contacts & Resources Page.
Discount Window Overview: General information about the Federal Reserve Bank's Discount Window program; includes information on types of credit available, interest rates on the credit, eligibility, restrictions, arrangements on borrowing, pledging collateral and posting methods of the credit.
Application Process
To access the discount window, borrowers must file the necessary lending agreements and authorizing resolutions under the terms set forth in the Federal Reserve's lending agreement, Operating Circular No. 10. All documentation may be found on the OC-10 Agreements page.
At a minimum, depository institutions must execute and submit the following four documents to be eligible for Discount Window access:
- Form of Letter of Agreement
- Form of Authorizing Resolutions for Borrowers
- Official OC-10 Authorization List
- Form of Certificate
If your institution is a branch or agency of a foreign bank, please contact us for further information at 1-866-974-7475 or email us.