Discount Window & Risk Administration Contact Information for Atlanta

FRB Atlanta Vault Loan Program Information

Last Updated: 2/7/2024

Please note: This information is specifically for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's Vault Loan Program. Information regarding your Federal Reserve Bank's Vault Loan Program program may be available on your district's Contacts & Resources page.

Required Documents 

(1) Collateral Pledge Form [MS Word; 85K] - This document should be submitted with collateral schedule.

(2) Collateral Schedule [MS Excel; 11K] - Your institution is responsible for submitting a Collateral Pledge Form and Collateral Schedule no later than the 10th day of the month for preceding month end. The monthly Collateral Schedule must be signed or emailed by an authorized official of your institution, as designated by the OC-10 lending agreements on file with the Federal Reserve Bank. Your institution may want to review these legal agreements and revise as needed.

(3) Assignment [MS Word; 26K] - To be completed for perfection purposes.

(4) Endorsement Certification [MS Word; 23K] - Gives the FRB authority to endorse the notes should it need to take legal ownership in order to satisfy any unpaid liabilities of the Borrower to the FRB. The FRB would only endorse the notes in an extreme situation where your institution is unable to satisfy outstanding liabilities. In order to endorse notes, your institution will need to provide the FRB with a stamp with your institution's name in addition to the Endorsement Certification.

(5) Perfection for FHLB Members

(6) Loan review policy and/or internal risk rating documentation

(7) New Loan Deposit Checklist (optional) [MS Word; 38K] - This checklist should be attached to the physical loan package if you are adding new loans to current pledged loan pool (for each new loan category you are pledging).

(8) Renewal Loan Deposit Checklist (optional) [MS Word; 38K] - This checklist should be attached to the physical loan if you are sending in renewal documents for the loans currently being pledged.

Completed documentation for the Vault Loan Program and related required documents (OC-10 Legal Agreements) should be mailed to:

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Credit and Risk Management
1000 Peachtree Street N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30309-4470

Contact us for questions and/or additional information.
